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NEXT, join my tribe of successful, savy women in the private facebook group, Savy in love. You’ll get show updates and access to special Q&A sessions during the online show as well year round daily Facebook lives with me and a circle of supportive sisters commmitted to attracting extraordinary love like you!

VIP All Access Package Upgrade NOW!

I want you to have access to this collection of expert knowledge not only the two weeks the event is live to support you on your journey. Yours to keep forever!

PLUS Who doesn’t love bonuses?

Special Price of $47!

VIP ALL ACCESS Package + BONUSES + Fundamental Help At-risk Youth!

For a limited time only DURING the online show.. after the show ends, the price will be going to $147

You will receive:


VIP All Access Package, Fabulous and Fearless in Love Interviews


BONUS#1: Sparkless from the First Text Guide


BONUS#2: Your Breakthrough Love Session with Kate Houston


BONUS#3: Upgrade to the VIP All Access Package:100%

For a Limited Only: $47!